Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mixed messages

I must implore you, Israel, please stop sending me mixed messages! I don't understand. I woke up this morning in Bat Yam (fyi for any Americans out there- Bat Yam translates to Mermaid- yeah I know, it's funny)  and walked across the street to take the convenient but annoyingly long 42 bus to work and I find out that overnight the bus is no longer stopping there. But that's not all, it seems that all the bus routes have been changed. Now you say that this is for the better, but I don't know how having to take a different bus and then walking an additional 15 minutes is a better way for me to get to work. Unless you think I'm fat and I'm warning you, Israel Bus Companies, I'm in no mood for your jokes. I also don't know how it's better for me that you're raising the cost of a bus ride for the second time again this year to 6.40 NIS. Now I was okay with the fact that it rose from 5.80 to 6 NIS in January because let's be honest, agarot are annoying to deal with and searching for 8 of them just for a bus ride is even more annoying. So I kind of thought this is okay, I can deal with it. But now you want me to search for 4 more agarot, what do you think, that I'm made of your pennies? And I hear your silly somewhat logical explanations, "but Suzanne, this new price includes as many buses as you want for 90 minutes." But you know what, Israel bus companies, you could've made that switch without raising the price again. And to be honest, I really don't need to take more than one bus in a  period of 90 minutes.

Now the other thing that I don't understand is that I hear you're also getting rid of those few buses that start an hour or two before shabbat ends. I just don't understand why.  Let's just look at the facts for a second, the people that actually support this "new schedule"  makeup at best 10% of the population? You can read more about them in this article http://blogs.reuters.com/faithworld/2011/04/14/jobless-ultra-orthodox-jews-weigh-on-israels-economy/ (this was the first think I found when I searched for "the annoying people that are trying to destroy my bus lines"...jk) Thanks for catering to the majority! With this and the continuously rising prices, it's as if you're telling me to stop riding public transportation and to buy a car.  But this is where I get really confused, because wasn't it just last month you were telling me that you want me to ride a bike all around tel aviv. Sorry if I misinterpreted this, but after you installed all those bike rental stations all over the city, I thought you were saying- there's no parking in this tiny city. Please don't drive- take this bike to work instead. But now I see this trick for what it really was, you were just mocking me for not knowing how to ride a bike. And to think I was ready to teach myself to ride a bike in 25 minute intervals (since the first 30 minutes are free).  Fine, you've won. You've left me with no choice after all,  I'll get my Israeli license and buy a car- but I'm holding you responsible. You'll be sorry once you see my driving. I bet you'll be crawling back to me on your knees, telling me you'll drop prices and reinstate buses to their proper times and proper stations, and even start letting public transportation run on shabbat. But by then it'll be too late. 

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