Sunday, January 16, 2011

We are all slaves to Google!

Hi, my name is Suzanne and I'm a slave to Google. I came to this conclusion when I was sitting in a meeting at work the other day. Currently I'm working as a content writer and the point of my job is to write content (words) for various internet sites. Of course the content must be informative and engaging (or that is the hope), but the true purpose of my writing is not to entertain, it's to tell Google, "hey look at me, I'm attempting to write informative and engaging content on specific keywords and I think you should choose my pages with my words to be the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd on your search results, so Google, what do you say?"

So really that's my job and I've been doing it all year for different companies. The thing is that this is not a solitary art, oh no, this is something that's being done in an unlimited number of companies. I actually tried to guess how many companies there are like these "hi-tech companies", "internet companies", but I honestly had no idea. Is it hundreds, thousands, dare I say millions (perhaps it's extreme, but who knows). Everyone at my company and (anyone at any company that does anything in the online world) is essentially a slave to Google because each person is either doing something with SEO (search engine optimization), PPC ( a paid version of search engine marketing), or as they want their product or service to be bought and used and the only way they do that is for people (many people) to have access to their product- by looking at Google. It made me realize that if there was no Google, I wouldn't have a job and so many people wouldn't have jobs. But it's almost strange to me that this is a job. I mean within the realm of my work, I actually produce informative and (what I consider to be) interesting articles. But on the other hand, the goal of this work is not really to inform the reader, though I hope that people actually read my articles and learn something if they're interested. In actuality the goals are to make money by linking readers to other sites, and how do we do this you may ask? Well the answer should be obvious- by ranking high on Google's search results!

So if Google doesn't like me, I'm out of a job. I want you to think about that Google! Think about how I'm going to pay rent Google, maybe you should give me a break and tell the world that my content is king or tell me the secret to being at the top of your list. Are you open to bribes? Maybe $10? Can't spare too much you know, after all I need to be able to pay my internet bill so I can still use you Google in my free time. Oh how I love you Google! And it's not just because you know everything I'm doing on the computer all the time (actually that kind of bothers me).

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